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If Instanced housing gets added, would you all be ok with them selling bigger instances for gems?

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:

@Aaralyna.3104 said:We already have home instances... The only thing we miss would be the ability to decorate these (but that may clutter them up terribly as they are already prefurnished). And knowing Anet... they will kick out home instances and make a house which they fully charge for so they will take something we had away and charge for that so I am against. I am also against rental housing.... We spared enough of time and gold to get our gathering nodes and the likes in our home instances already (and one can buy gem stuff items for it already too).

If you want to decorate something... make your own guild hall or play another game next to gw2. Besides in other games I only saw ppl use houses just to gather and afk there and to use it as storage and thats it.

The home instance is not what I would want in housing since it's race specific to the character you playing. I rather have a land mass that allows me to build my own houses and mansions in my own instance. Rift's Dimension feature that was added is a good example of this. Pretty much the only thing I played in the first expansion there.Something like that would work nicely in GW2 since it's more well polished in terms of its gem store system already unlike in that game which was going into a transition to a B2P mmorpg.

ESO uses a system I not completely knowledgeable about but I believe the maps you own have a pre-built house that you decorate the house and land in the instance. That method may be better for some, but for others like myself I would want more Rift method of building your own walls and floor to your house your own way.

Its not race specific tho you can go into asura home instance as any race.

No your own home instance is race specific and character specific. So if I play on a Human Guardian and a Asura Elementalist, buy build my house in the Asura home instance, I can't access it on my Guardian.

Oh your not talking about we have now, but what you want implemented got it.

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I'd be willing to see improved housing monetized, and I'm sure they'd sell decorative items on the gem store as well. But I'd be fairly upset if there were no way to also earn some items for housing in game, much the same way it can be done for guild halls.

EDIT: Of course, this is all with the caveat that they sell things at reasonable prices...which ArenaNet has not had a great record of lately.

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:

@"Trise.2865" said:If this feature were to be introduced - which I personally believe is a waste of time, but some people can only express themselves through decorating a fake space in a fantasy adventure game, I guess - this seems like a reasonably fair way to monetize it.

Kind of similar to what Wardrobe is to player characters.

Player character is fake digital space that players control.Wardrobes decorate those fake digital characters with different ways to look.

Yes, yes, "everything is fake, it's a video game". But this is fake space created to be fake space within the fake space... for the sole purpose of having a fake space inside a fake space. A space, I might add, that directly contradicts the game's primary premise, which is explicitly NOT staying home, isolating yourself, and playing house, but leaving home, joining the greater world, and together, tackling global threats and problems. This is an adventure, not a villager simulator. Surely one must see and accept the inherent madness of such a thing?

Then I saw this on a charity telethon yesterday. (Contains images of Final Fantasy 14, a game that was designed to have "villager simulator" aspects). I saw how very invested he was in it, and by extension everyone who donated (thousands of dollars, by the way) to see pictures of it and hear him gush about it. Madness though it may be, this is the kind of passion people have, and I will acknowledge that people like him exist. (Though why they don't just play better, more focused interior designer games is beyond me.)

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These polls are so limiting lately.

If they get housing in I'd like default location sets. Mix of gem store purchases, drops in the entire game, and crafted decorations and structures. With how messed up Builds ended up being from monetization over function, I have lost faith in such a feature. Build design is easy to implement, so they'd definitely mess up a feature like housing hard.

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I'll be honest, I've personally never enjoyed housing in any MMORPG. I know some players really love housing (where I kind of wonder why they aren't making personal guilds but maybe that is to difficult, don't know).

It kind of always ends with either a very shallow or far to expansive system with seldom a middle ground.

If it's completely optional, it seems like a lot of wasted resources for something many will not use.

If it becomes a huge benefit, it becomes somwhat necessary for optimization which in turn would force players who do not enjoy housing to deal with it. We already have a middle ground system in place which provides a huge benefit over time if filled up: the home instance.

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If it isn't similar like what they did in Rift then ANet shouldn't bother with it. The housing there was a form of... art, not just a "mandatory" room feature like in ESO. And you had many chances to get items, decorations, building blocks, even keys for different places. Guild houses (taverns, etc.) also worked in this system, the members could add their items to the halls. You had to pay only for the latest, hot places and items, and to increase the capacity of the place, everything else was obtainable in-game (via vendors or drops too).

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@kharmin.7683 said:

Personally, I think if Guildhalls were smaller, cheaper and the mechanics more refined, they could fit this niche.In a way, I feel that was the intent.

I think anet should revisit guild halls to be honest...Im in afew smaller guilds and we do have quite a hard time getting things because of how costly everything is.they even attempted a minor lesser version with the suns refuge thing but that kinda didn't appeal to me either.

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Having never played a game with that kind of personal space I don't see the advantage. If I want to show off something I've crafted it's a skin or Legendary and I wear it around.

Wasn't Sun's Refuge supposed to be a version of a personal space? Why was it dropped?

I play the game for the action not to sit around and admire someone else's house.

To me it's like choosing the color of your character's eyes or whether they are right or left handed; it only matters to the player.

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@"Game of Bones.8975" said:Having never played a game with that kind of personal space I don't see the advantage. If I want to show off something I've crafted it's a skin or Legendary and I wear it around.

Wasn't Sun's Refuge supposed to be a version of a personal space? Why was it dropped?

I play the game for the action not to sit around and admire someone else's house.

To me it's like choosing the color of your character's eyes or whether they are right or left handed; it only matters to the player.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:No matter how many people say they’d be okay with this, we’ll still see the same response that build templates saw despite people saying they’d be willing to pay for them.

All that backlash and gems can be bought with in game gold. I'm not understanding the aversion given you can earn the content by playing the game. I'd be okay with a player housing system that utilized this though I'm not sure I'd participate.

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Only if larger houses pay more property taxes and school board fees.

In all seriousness do people roleplay that much that they need player housing? Home instances and Sun's Refuge aren't enough along with guildhalls?

Time you spend in instances is time not spent doing content and WvW/PvP and eats up server time that engages other people. It isn't in their best interests to put in more instances because of their reliance on AWS elastic instances.

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