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Remove Hearts from Map Completion

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@"Eramonster.2718" said:Believe Hearts (or be it WP/Poi/Vista) are designed the way they are for a reason :smiley: . But if there's a confusion with the term Map Completion, maybe petition to change the term instead? (Eg. Complete Every Map).

Yup. Changing a name always changes the thing itself with it.

From now on, what was once known as "Map Completion" shall be called "Consuela Svrömquist". Another problem solved and the day is safe.

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I down-voted this as soon as I read the title, but read the text and other responses to make sure I had the entire story correct.

Map completion is 100% voluntary. You can skip every-one of the hearts and still go anywhere you want. Unlike GW1 where you were "forced" to do missions for the next area to open up for exploration.

There are very few hearts that aren't easy enough to finish ~10 mins or less.

I perform map completion for each of my permanent characters, so I know a bit about the long walkabout.

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@Keitaro.9061 said:Title says it all.Honestly, this is the most mundane task in this game. Completing some of the dumbest mini quests over and over with different skins rehashed. On top of that, some of them are an absolute pain to complete. They should only be used for additional experience while grinding a character or to unlock the vendor instead of being a requirement to complete a map.I get it, its supposed to be a grind, but 303 terrible things to do, does not help when its already a grind.Alternate solution:Drastically increase the completion/experience gained from the list of stupid stuff to do to make it less of a grind.

Just my two cents.. I cant bring myself to put the time into map completion on another character. It drains the life outta me.

I'm fine with the base map hearts but the PoF hearts specifically take FOREVER and that just makes them dull.

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Once a player completes it once give them other options to unlock them on additional toons, be that a currency exchange that still accounts for the time sync but perhaps in a different activity. The hearts aren't challenging, they are just timely, so if the player is putting the time in game elsewhere let them trade that in.

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Renown hearts are fun for me, plus they make me stop and do something in an area which I would've just skipped otherwise. As a result, I'm way more familiar with events in areas that have hearts than in ones that don't, cause I barely ever stop there for more than a split second it takes to grab the PoI or vista.

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I think it is stupid to ask for this. legendaries are already kinda cheap to make. esspecially gen 1, because wvw maps got removed and you also don't need lw season and expansion maps. and when you are high lvl most of them can be done in a very short amount of time.

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@Keitaro.9061 said:I cant bring myself to put the time into map completion on another character. It drains the life outta me.Then Don't.

There are only a handful of hearts that are a minor nuisance. Definitely not enough to warrant a change this drastic. My suggestion to you is don't let map completion be your main focus. Take your total play time you have for a day and dedicate about 1/4 of that towards it. Then take the other 3/4 and go do something you enjoy doing more. Anyone will become burned out if you push yourself to hard.

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Objectively speaking, those who oppose dropping the heart quest requirements for completion can still do heart quests all they want until the game shuts down. Some of us don't like the over-grind and repetitiveness Anet imposes in every area of the game. It's excessive all around in GW2, and some give and take here and there from Anet can make a difference.

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I think some (or a lot) of the Hearts need serious rethinking, some take almost no time to complete and others you're waiting on respawns the whole time, or repeating extremely menial tasks. It gets tedious fastOtherwise there's not point to removing them aside from making getting the legendary item easier, so nah

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I want the hearts to stay for map completion. Else the maps have nothing other than click on a vista and unlock waypoints and pois. The hearts (which is tied to doing events in the maps) make you actually play the game instead of skip. On Icebrood saga they left away the hearts but those maps rely more on meta's and aren't part of map completion.

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@Aaralyna.3104 said:I want the hearts to stay for map completion. Else the maps have nothing other than click on a vista and unlock waypoints and pois. The hearts (which is tied to doing events in the maps) make you actually play the game instead of skip. On Icebrood saga they left away the hearts but those maps rely more on meta's and aren't part of map completion.

Take hearts away for map completion, then players will start asking for POIs to be removed as they are boring and take too much time running around to claim. Then, remove Vistas because, well, we've already seen them all before. After that, since we have mounts, remove waypoints from the map completion requirement.

It would happen. We know it would.

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@kharmin.7683 said:It would happen. We know it would.Gift of Exploration should be a daily login reward. Forcing players to complete actual content to earn one of the the most prestigious rewards in the game is discrimination against those of us with Jobs and families.Logging into this game is really hard and simply showering me with gold for logging in feels lame. Anet obviously doesnt care about it's customers.

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Clearly this is a business opportunity for Anet - they could sell 'heart completion boxes' in the gemstore. And then follow that up with POI, Vista, and HP versions. There is already the waypoint unlock box, so this idea isn't that far out there.

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I love the hearts, but wish the new areas did not have the hearts that reset. When I go to an area with no hearts I tend to get bored and leave. The hearts are one of my favorite parts of the game, and are definitely part of map completion.

Now jumping puzzles could get axed completely as far as I am concerned! Everyone has what they like ha ha

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