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What's your most hated map in Guild Wars 2 so far and why?

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1) Kourna. The colour palette is muddy no matter where you go, it's annoying to navigate, and one POI is locked behind the meta and another behind an event chain that bugs out far too often. There's also a good amount of dead space where there's no mobs, no reason to explore, no events, and it's yet more brown.

2) Lake Doric. I want to like it but with the mobs being sponges and the hearts taking forever to fill, it's too frustrating so I don't bother outside of map completion. The leather farm is also a joke so the result is that entire corner of the map is impossible to survive solo and before the skyscale came out, you stood a good chance of being sniped and falling to your death before you could get that POI and/or escape with your life.

3) Brisban. The hearts are nothing special (and screw the math heart) but there's 16 of them.

Not a huge fan of the PoF maps, either, since many of the hearts are on par with or worse than Lake Doric's but they escape my top three disliked maps. Thunderhead gets an honourable mention not because of the map itself but because it is infamously laggy and that one POI was badly designed.

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Domain of Kourna 100%. Wasted space is one thing, and this map has plenty of that, but releasing content that is so obviously unfinished and so poor quality should never have happened. Unlike other maps, which I might find beautiful or ugly, fun or annoying, this one is just straight up disappointing and if I was anet, it would be the one map which I was not proud of.

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@Cynder.2509 said:I could make a poll but it would be too long and everyone has different opinions and reasons. I'm just interested and a bit bored.However I love almost everything in this game there's one particular map that I always hated even to this date. I simply hate multi level maps because I lose orientation so easily in those so mine would be Tangled Depths. Despite all that I think the map design overall is very beautiful but it's just the navigation that has been a thorn in my eye (heart) even to this day.I'm sure there are a few maps as well for me but this one has stood out for me the most.Tell me what's yours.

I am with you on this one. The map is beautiful and I love the idea of a bunch of underground tunnels but it is the worst to navigate. The map is basically useless.

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I don’t hate any map personally - they’re all beautiful to varying degrees and they’re all fun to vary degrees, though some certainly annoy me much more than others. I suppose some of the ones that annoy me most and/or interest me least thematically would be:

Dry top - difficulty to navigate, mainly due to invisible walls nowadays so mounts don’t help much

Domain of vabbi - origins of the annoying brand lightning, plus desert is personally the least interesting biome to me and this one doesn’t have anything else like the river or highlands to the north, and the branded part is kind of ruined by the storm.

Domain of kourna - nothing too bad, it’s just again I find desert least interesting and this doesn’t have much else.

Any one Ascalon core map (except fields of ruin) - the reason being the region overall feels a bit too.. indistinguishable? Maybe it’s just me but for every other region I remember each map by something like “oh, that’s the map with the swamp and shadow monsters”, “oh, that’s the map with the Kodan sanctuaries” or “that’s the map with the skull volcanoes”. Besides ebonhawke in FoR, I find myself weirdly unable to do that for Ascalon.

But every map in this game is gorgeous from start to finish, I feel bad to criticize them so just lemme reiterate; every map is awesome

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@"Fenom.9457" said:I don’t hate any map personally - they’re all beautiful to varying degrees and they’re all fun to vary degrees, though some certainly annoy me much more than others. I suppose some of the ones that annoy me most and/or interest me least thematically would be:

Dry top - difficulty to navigate, mainly due to invisible walls nowadays so mounts don’t help much

Domain of vabbi - origins of the annoying brand lightning, plus desert is personally the least interesting biome to me and this one doesn’t have anything else like the river or highlands to the north, and the branded part is kind of ruined by the storm.

Domain of kourna - nothing too bad, it’s just again I find desert least interesting and this doesn’t have much else.

Any one Ascalon core map (except fields of ruin) - the reason being the region overall feels a bit too.. indistinguishable? Maybe it’s just me but for every other region I remember each map by something like “oh, that’s the map with the swamp and shadow monsters”, “oh, that’s the map with the Kodan sanctuaries” or “that’s the map with the skull volcanoes”. Besides ebonhawke in FoR, I find myself weirdly unable to do that for Ascalon.

But every map in this game is gorgeous from start to finish, I feel bad to criticize them so just lemme reiterate; every map is awesome

I agree for the most part but when it comes to Ascalon do you never think "Oh that's the map with Shatterer/Giant brand line down the middle"?

And I wish they would remove the invisible walls in drytop. They are really frustrating.

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The ones I particularly dislike are those where the environment design doesn't make sense, and the worst offenders in this game are the ones that get the vertical scale horribly wrong.

In that light, Verdant Brink still tops the list. Trees that tall and canyons that deep make the place surreal, in a bad way. Domain of Istan gets an honourable mention for turning small cliffs from its Nightfall appearance into towering edifices that simply do not make geological sense in GW2.

Much of Vabbi is passable, but it's home to the worst individual landmark - the Necropolis, which is so oversized it's physically impossible and the individual pixels on the roof's normal map might even be larger than some player models.

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It's funny, most people naming maps I love. Personally the only maps I hate are ones that just don't have anything going on in them. Feels like wasted potential with some of them. OFC some maps have broken metas to this day, I don't really blame the map for though.

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Im going to have to go with Brisban Wildlands.. purely because there are a couple of really, really tedious hearts you need to do there for completion.

The worst of them being the one with the Crystal Nodes and the Lattice Configurators.If there isn't an event there where mobs are spawning this heart can really really drag for a while.

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@Mewcifer.5198 said:

@"Fenom.9457" said:I don’t hate any map personally - they’re all beautiful to varying degrees and they’re all fun to vary degrees, though some certainly annoy me much more than others. I suppose some of the ones that annoy me most and/or interest me least thematically would be:

Dry top - difficulty to navigate, mainly due to invisible walls nowadays so mounts don’t help much

Domain of vabbi - origins of the annoying brand lightning, plus desert is personally the least interesting biome to me and this one doesn’t have anything else like the river or highlands to the north, and the branded part is kind of ruined by the storm.

Domain of kourna - nothing too bad, it’s just again I find desert least interesting and this doesn’t have much else.

Any one Ascalon core map (except fields of ruin) - the reason being the region overall feels a bit too.. indistinguishable? Maybe it’s just me but for every other region I remember each map by something like “oh, that’s the map with the swamp and shadow monsters”, “oh, that’s the map with the Kodan sanctuaries” or “that’s the map with the skull volcanoes”. Besides ebonhawke in FoR, I find myself weirdly unable to do that for Ascalon.

But every map in this game is gorgeous from start to finish, I feel bad to criticize them so just lemme reiterate; every map is awesome

I agree for the most part but when it comes to Ascalon do you never think "Oh that's the map with Shatterer/Giant brand line down the middle"?

And I wish they would remove the invisible walls in drytop. They are really frustrating.

The problem for me is the coolest stuff like the wall and the brand are across multiple maps, they’re not singular landmarks

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@Yggranya.5201 said:All PoF maps really, but the worst is desolation.

@Raknar.4735 said:Iron Marches, because the meta event never works.Domain of Kourna and Siren's Landing share 2nd place.

Is it eternally stuck or just never works? Because if it's eternally stuck, i know the reason for that. It's the same reason most of the events are stuck in iron marches, the AFK farmers.

Yep, I loathe The Desolation.

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Hate: Tangled depths, Desolation, Vabbi, Bitterfrost, Kourna, Thunderhead, North drizzlewood, Bloodstone Fen, Siren's landing, Sea land Lion's Arch.

Okay/meh: Ember bay, Lake Doric, Southsun Cove, Jahai Bluffs, Istan, Dragonfall, Brisban Wildlands, Kessex Hills, Frostgorge Sound, Bjora marches.

Love: Metrica Province, Caledon Forest, Snowen Drifts, Queensdale, Plains of Ashford, Sandwept Isles, Grothmar Valley, Fireheart Rise, Timberline Falls, Mount Maelstrom, Old LA, Black citadel, Draconis mons.

So to me, worst map: Kourna. 2 gandara fortress lines missing, bad joko ending, nothing planned if all events fail like awakened rushing pact camp... disapointment needing revamp. I would be ashamed to release a such unfinished map. (Not speaking of the fortress itself, that is just unfinished assets without collision, empty.)

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Can't say I "hate" any particular map as it's quite a strong word.

But maps I don't enjoy playing in:

Ember Bay - it makes sense and looks correct for being what it is, but I don't like playing in it.

The Desolation - central and south side, again personal dislike of dry/hostile environments. Looks great though, but not somewhere I enjoy going back to.

Domain of Kourna - similar reasons as the above. Aside from that one lake area which is very nice, the rest of the map is not my cup of tea.

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Have to agree about Domain of Kourna. So....flat and unappealing with sandy colors everywhere. Plus a bad meta too. Only saving grace is the roller beetle.Second is Dry Top for reasons listed earlier.

I must be in the rarity for liking Tangled Depths. Once you get used to all the spots to move to different layers it opens up a lot. Skyscale helps as well.But Verdant brink is far superior, and I daresay one of the best maps in the game that really gets the metroidvania feeling going.

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BloodstoneDraconis MonsBitterfrostEmber Bay

Why?Because I really dislike the visual noise and colors in those maps.The leyline trails, the little modes of magic, the extremely vibrant colors...it all really hurts my eyes.While I love the layout and idea behind maps, these things kill them for me.

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