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Am I the only 1 who loves underwater combat?

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I love underwater content.The only issues I have with it is the combat, Which i think we all expect to get a rework with the new expansion. The problems with combat is your utility skills get limited and the weapon skills for some classes aren't that great, combine that with targets being slightly harder to hit with melee attacks and it can get frustrating.Everything else tho I think is fine and I'm super excited to see what the map designers will come up with for future content.

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@"Seb De Tyra.3421" said:I absolutely love the underwater combat in this game ( let's ignore the blood shark ?) It brings a whole different depth to each map and a sense of wonder of what lies below.

I see people remarking negatively that there will be a lot of UW combat in the next Exp but I'm looking forward to it.I would temper your excitement.Arenanet has not said at any point that the new maps would contain any water content. It's all been "speculation" most of which has been done by people purposefully inflating other people's expectations hoping to force Anet's hand.

Reality: Since Core only three new dynamic events have taken place underwater. In all the maps in s3,s3,s4,icebrood, POF and HoT.A new mount skill was not a signal of more to come.It was a cheap way of addressing a community ask without offering an actual underwater mount.

The green waves in the EoD teaser do not move.

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You haven't lived until you've successfully angered 10 Tuna.

I love the feel of underwater combat with a speargun since it has good tagging for multiple mobs and a number of evasive options both through the weapon and general dodging. With the addition of swim speed infusions, now I can do this with an even nicer mobility which makes exploring and gathering that much more worth my time.

Also, and maybe this is odd, but I find the new Skimmer talent is not as effective/intuitive for exploring as simply swimming around. Maybe that's just because it's new?

As for people who can't stand water combat and travel, I get that.

One major difference between the two environments is conveyance. On land you generally know what direction you're headed in and what is attacking you at any given time and where it is (unless it's a Jacaranda, but that's a separate issue). Underwater, you have to check in more dimensions for threats and landmarks. I personally take this chaos as a fun challenge, but I see how it might trip someone up.

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I think I like UW combat much more than I thought before reading this thread. It's kinda messy and chaotic and I suck... but I suck on dry ground too and the chaos can be fun. And even with all it's flaws it's far better than the (usually) nothing I find when I try other games.

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I also like underwater exploration and combat, and i've always felt sad that there is basically no uw content in the game outside core maps. I think no one wants a 100% underwater expansion, but please, Anet, at least give us SOME new uw content in Cantha! Oh, and also please fix uw utility skills and bring back skins for uw weapons while you are at it.

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I like underwater water combat and exploration and I actually like the 3d movement. I think the foundations are really cool, the best I played in mmorpgs. On the other hand, I also agree with most of the complaints regarding balance, utility skills, traits, limited weapons etc. The problem is that if they really wanted to polish UW combat it would require a lot of effort for content that many don't enjoy.

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@Seb De Tyra.3421 said:

@Khisanth.2948 said:It's fine if you ignore all the problems or are ignorant of them ...

I never said it was perfect. It never is going to be if it's a side project that gets attention once in a blue moon but it's still possible to appreciate something flawed.That's the point. I don't hate underwater combat. I'm just unhappy with how all the great potential it had got wasted.

As it is, it is okay at the very basic casual level, but it breaks if you try to do anything more serious with it. Until that part gets fixed somehow, underwater is always going to be at most a terrain you get through to get to the real content, with no ability to become anything more.

@Cuks.8241 said:The problem is that if they really wanted to polish UW combat it would require a lot of effort for content that many don't enjoy.On the other hand it's exactly because this system is still in unfinished state that many do not enjoy it as well as they could if it was working right.

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@Taril.8619 said:

  • Limited availability of skills (Many utilities cannot be used underwater for... Reasons)

This is probably the biggest gripe people have. I wonder why some abilities work and some don't, even though they do basically the same thing? Like necromancer wells work underwater but mesmer(chronomancer) wells don't. How anet chooses them, and why is a mystery.

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lol this Community is killing the game in a speed, I totally lost the words. Let’s encourage ANet to put even more resources in UW combat balance when the whole combat on land is not balanced not to mention the balance of all uw skills right now. Since the feb 25th patch the game balance is pure garbage but uw combat is very important suuuure

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@AgentMoore.9453 said:One major difference between the two environments is conveyance. On land you generally know what direction you're headed in and what is attacking you at any given time and where it is (unless it's a Jacaranda, but that's a separate issue). Underwater, you have to check in more dimensions for threats and landmarks. I personally take this chaos as a fun challenge, but I see how it might trip someone up.

I'd say the issue is less orienting yourself/keeping aware and more the actual movement. All that time moving up and down the environment can really add up. Especially if you're moving slower (at least, relative to environment size), which is common in video games.On a related note, underwater environments tend to funnel players into areas more while having more open space.

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No, I love it too! I can understand some of the complaints people have and I think it would be amazing if anet fixed even half of that, but it’s already better than any other game I’ve seen or heard of. I really hope one day we can get to a point where water and land are on equal footing in terms of anet not attempting to avoid one of them. There’s also pretty limitless potential for landscapes underwater

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@Linken.6345 said:

@Naxos.2503 said:I'm partial. My main, and my starting character, an Engineer has ABYSMAL underwater skills. And it coloured my opinion of it for years until I made chars of different classes and realize how much better they had it.

Please fix the harpoon gun on engineer D: it's so slow, and one of it's attack literally miss 2/3 of it's payload at very close distance. The only way you get to hit anything properly with it, is to hit it at melee range, and it defeat the purpose of having a gun. The only alternative is the elixir gun, which is not really suited for combat if you're not using a Condi only (and even then, is subpar)

On all the other classes, you have an ease of movement, fluidity of skill cycle, and changing weapon type diversify combat.

I thought engineer used grenade or bomb kit under water and having a blast with it.

I see what you did there ;)

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