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I want more fast finished pve daily’s.

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Since some time I am doing daily’s. But often for pve we get daily’s that cost too much time. So to get it fast completed I going for PvP daily’s. But I always get angry and frustrated in PvP. (Just read here a few minutes ago about the bots that I didn’t know about) 


but in PvP looks like much skill lag. My healing skills or other ability’s don’t finish. I die often because of those things. Looks like I am playing against players with ping over 200 (I compare this with call of duty) 


today I was downed. Someone was busy to finish me off so I used Mesmer downed skill 2 and then I lay 5 meters away. But i still got finished off like HOW. I am out of range. 

escapes which don’t work. I got attacked out of nowhere and then there was a necromancer. Looks like as if he got out of stealth. Overall it doesn’t play smooth. I hate PvP and i avoid it because I know I going get angry. But if a daily has PvP kills, PvP rank earned or whatever. It’s much easier then a jp in pve. Or 4 events in a zone. Pve ones takes unfair much more time. Pve should always be 1 vista view, 10 lumber or other harvesting. And another simple one (fast complete able) 


its always the same professions in combat vs other players. Thief’s. Rangers. Reapers. 

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There are PvP daily arenas. They are hosted by someone who sets the rules and keeps people in order. Basically (depends on the arena) the players alternate killing each other. If that’s what you want to do look for an arena that says Daily. They are normally active right before and after the daily game reset.



Edited by Just a flesh wound.3589
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It would be nice of the difficulty of the dailies was a bit more equal.  Doing 4 events in a zone is a lot more time consuming than gathering, doing a vista, or JP.  Only needing to do 1 event would be more in line.

I understand the dungeon ones are to try and get people to do the dungeons that day.

Even in WvW, they are not consistent.  Kill 1 Dolyak or capture 2 camps.  Often you kill a Dolyak while capturing a camp.  But another fairly easy WvW one is killing 5 enemies - this is not players, this is just NPCs.  You can usually get 5 in a camp, but if not, killing a few of the guards on a tower is fairly easy.

Land Claimer is another pretty easy WvW one - kill the NPC guard, wait a little time to claim the land.


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In WvW the monument daily can be done with the shrines in RBL. Guard killer daily can be done at a camp easy. Dolyak is another easy one along with land claimer. For Tower, Keep, and Camp dailies you can kill a guard and run away if you are by yourself. Run around a BL and tag every enemy objective, though you should be able to take camps by yourself, and eventually an organized group will cap the objectives if you are on a semi organized map. Other than that just follow a tag for the harder WvW dailies.

If you have multiple accounts you can do a custom arena in PvP and cheese the dailies there so long as you adhere to the one click/button press per action requirement. Multiple accounts and multiboxing is allowed so long as you adhere to the rule I stated above, and is allowed in the custom arenas.

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In case for jumping puzzle and mini dungeon dalies I'll wholeheartly recommend this tool: https://gw2timer.com/
You can see all dailies from the following day there on the daily tab along with the current ones. You can prepare for certain dailies a day before the next reset easily. I used this a lot back when dailies still granted AP to me and parked a character (usually a mesmer with portal ready for occasional portaling other players and make some money in the process) at the end of a jumping puzzle or mini dungeon a day ahead so I just had to log in at reset, get the daily chest that automatically pops up then and leave immediatly to head to the next one for preparation. However nowadays I don't bother with dailies anymore as the 2g are hardly worth the stress and social anxiety induced panic attacks I had to go through when dailies awarded AP for me. For gold I just use meta events with lots of loot to sell and make a heap more money (25 to 150g a day depending on motivation) with. If daily AP was raised or none-existent however I'd still do them. 
But overall I recommend the tool for all daily preparation needs and the other useful functions it has of course. 

WvW dailies might be easy if you are experienced with roaming (not my expertise as I'm experienced with zerks over the years far more but I've been very inactive unfortunately for like 2 years again due to private life and lack of overall motivation) and depending on if you play on a weak or strong server (if you're on Abaddon's Mouth, like me, you might have a bit of a hard time sometimes as matchmaking usually piles up servers with immense blobbing squads against us or at certain times the other servers are just insanely more active and all maps are perma outnumbered). However there's one very easy WvW daily (that even I do to this day) that doesn't even involve you entering WvW maps at all. Just get the WvW mastery that allows you to purchase an item that let's you purchase WvW stuff from your inventry with one simple click. It's very cheap and easy if you have a ton of badges of honor. This easy daily usually lets you skip even dailies like jumping puzzles, dungeons (dungeons are pretty dead and nobody does even do the dungeon dailies as lfg in the section is permanently empty) or other things you might find annoying as a daily to do. Then you can just focus one easy stuff that can be done in seconds too like harvesting or vistas or the occasional mystic forge daily. With that you're usually done within 3 minutes or 5 minutes (depending on loading screens) for all 3 dalies needed for AP and gold. 

Edit: I wish we still had monthlies and weeklies... *sigh*

Edited by Cynder.2509
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6 hours ago, Solvar.7953 said:

It would be nice of the difficulty of the dailies was a bit more equal.  Doing 4 events in a zone is a lot more time consuming than gathering, doing a vista, or JP.  Only needing to do 1 event would be more in line.


Check the world boss timer.  If you engage with the pre-events, you can usually get all 4 events when that particular zone is a daily.

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16 minutes ago, Game of Bones.8975 said:

Sorry, but this sounds like another "I want everything given to me" posts.


Welcome to the forum, we currently on course from "Raid is too hard" through the middle stops of "Dungeon is too hard" "Expansion is too hard" descending into "Daily is too hard" threads.

Edited by Vilin.8056
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I would like all the PvE dailys to be available to those players that have all the expansions. For example todays daily - -

  • "Daily Heart of Maguuma Miner
  • Daily Maguuma Jungle Miner
  • Daily Crystal Desert Bounty Hunter
  • Daily Orr Vista Viewer
  • Daily Southsun Cove Event Completer
  • Daily Antre of Adjournment Jumping Puzzle"
  • I have no choice, and would prefer to choose any 3 of the 6, not the 3 forced by Anet. ( and will look in WvW for ones like vet, spender and monuments when I don't care for the one ones Anet picks.)


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45 minutes ago, Blude.6812 said:

I would like all the PvE dailys to be available to those players that have all the expansions. For example todays daily - -

  • "Daily Heart of Maguuma Miner
  • Daily Maguuma Jungle Miner
  • Daily Crystal Desert Bounty Hunter
  • Daily Orr Vista Viewer
  • Daily Southsun Cove Event Completer
  • Daily Antre of Adjournment Jumping Puzzle"
  • I have no choice, and would prefer to choose any 3 of the 6, not the 3 forced by Anet. ( and will look in WvW for ones like vet, spender and monuments when I don't care for the one ones Anet picks.)


Yeah, having a few accounts, some that don't have expansions, some that do I hear that loud and clear. I'd say even if it could be everyone gets the same dailies but the daily can be completed on any account. Like if today we all saw "Daily Heart of Maguuma or Maguuma Jungle Miner." Or Vista viewers, sometimes if you have PoF you get Desert while  if you don't it's Kryta. If it was "Daily Desert or Kryta Vista Viewer." So I couldn't just mine  in two locations and get 2/3 dailies, but I could mine in the same location as those who don't have the expansions for the same daily.



13 hours ago, Solvar.7953 said:

Even in WvW, they are not consistent.  Kill 1 Dolyak or capture 2 camps.  Often you kill a Dolyak while capturing a camp.  But another fairly easy WvW one is killing 5 enemies - this is not players, this is just NPCs.  You can usually get 5 in a camp, but if not, killing a few of the guards on a tower is fairly easy.

Land Claimer is another pretty easy WvW one - kill the NPC guard, wait a little time to claim the land.


It's the bigger reward ones that are harder. You get 20 badges and 2 potions for capturing 2 camps, the easier ones you only get 10 badges and one potion. There's two hard and two easy every day. Same as PvP. There will be two one potion dailies and the rated game winner and tourney participation that give two potions.

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I would also like all dailies to be available even if one has the expansions, even if it is a 'pof or tyria vista' and not both.  I think originally they were not able to do achievements like that, but they can now.

Aside from ease, in some cases I want the bonus rewards - for example, when dry top event completer is active, not only are you likely to get more more geodes because everyone else is doing the map, but I recall the daily itself rewards a few extra geodes.  But that is lost if a PoF one trumps it.


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Why would you go to PvP for quick/easy dailies (especially if you already dislike the game mode like the OP)?

The current ones are already largely easy and you can just pick and choose the ones that easily take < 10 minutes to complete (i.e. vista viewer, miner/gatherer/lumberer, bounty hunter assuming its a popular time for PvE; Veteran slayer, monument capturer, dolyak hunter in WvW). Most of the mini-dungeon/jumping puzzle ones have a mesmer to port people directly to the end as well.

I haven't had any trouble getting the daily 2g completing achievements like those listed while dealing with a pretty busy schedule irl.

Edited by Poormany.4507
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"I want my daily rewards but can't be bothered to do the PvP or WvW ones so I want the PvE ones to take less than 5min."
Yeah, well, no. If you can't be bothered doing dailies, or if you find them tedious, I have good news for you. You don't need to do the dailies, ever. If you don't like doing them, just don't. It's really easy, thank me later.

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On 12/27/2021 at 3:14 AM, MikeG.6389 said:

I compliment my dailies with WvW, too. (Although lately I tend to do all three there.) Master of Monuments, Big Spender and Veteran Creature Slayer are all easy. On most  days, you'll find one of those among the dailies.

Killing a guard (Daily WvW Land Claimer) is also rather fast and can sometimes be combined with taking a camp in WvW. There is also killing Dolly as part of daily achievement that can triggered when one have Dolly spawning at camp, so WvW daily can be rather fast to finish up daily when one is on WvW map where there is not much fights going on or having enemy player hiding/waiting for easy kills (with help for camps NPCs and attacking when your HP are low).

For PvE player it shouldn't be too demanding as long one check for what kind of status Supervisor NPC have (not being Invulnerble - and can be seen as count down on map for that camp until this status have been removed). WvW and PvE work together as rather fast way to get Daily AP done.


For Big Spender you don't even need to be in WvW to purchase up to that amount of Badges of Honor. It is possible to buy this Gizmo and purchase independent of where you are items to get that achievement for daily Big Spender (player need to unlock this from WXP meaning playing long enough WvW to get WXP point to unlock this in WvW panel). You buy this item from Outfitter NPC/vendor in WvW maps including Edge of The Mist.

As for your suggestion to make PvE Daily faster or easier I think you haven't really looked through your options there as there Gathering ressources Daily that automatically trigger if you gather form Bloodstone Fen (as that region is part of Maguuma) and for Shiverpeak you have Thunderhead which both can bought Portal Scrolls to get fast to with one click in inventory. It is simply a matter of learning which region belong that map and have bought most of those Portal Tome to keep all Scrolls in and go there when there is a daily that belong to that region (you can't use the tooltip to see that Thunderhead is part of Shiverpeak region as it only list core maps name). Use GW2 wiki to learn map regions (for LW seasons maps) and you will have both a faster Daily achievement and less problem with PvP Daily.


Forgott to add that you can also sometimes get Gathering Dailies done only by going to your Guilds Guild Hall, if they belong to the same area of Region that daily is on. Open your guild panel and click to go there, farm nodes and in most cases you should have farmed enough for to get that daily done. This is depending on what upgrades guild have done for gathering nodes. Don't forget that you also can get fast to Vista from on of these Guild Halls that are close to Auric Basin and so on.]

Edited by ShadowCatz.8437
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Tracking on this thread, another point I though worth making is that I used to avoid the HoT adventure dailies as they can be a little time consuming and frustrating to learn. Once I took the time to learn a couple, though, I no longer avoid them.

A. They have a mastery point reward tied to many of them.  I don't know if all of them do. This is added incentive to make it worth your while.

B. While some of them take repeated doing at first to get the hang of their mechanics, once you do, they'll be easy to come back and do later. That means a little time invested at the front end will pay off in more quick and easy daily options later.

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Time vs Reward I am a big believer that things that take more time should give you better rewards. I always thought that they should have 3 tiers. Easy which would give 50 silver, Moderate 1 gold, and Hard 1.5 gold. So if you did 3 hard 4.5 gold.

I find it odd that I can play 1 pvp match and get my daily done in the time a person maybe had found a few events on a map. Just seems off to me.

Edited by Excursion.9752
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On 12/27/2021 at 3:14 AM, MikeG.6389 said:

I compliment my dailies with WvW, too. (Although lately I tend to do all three there.) Master of Monuments, Big Spender and Veteran Creature Slayer are all easy. On most  days, you'll find one of those among the dailies.

Caravan disruptor and land claimer are also very easy.

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