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Very Off-Topic but How Many of You Are From Ancient MMOs?

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Like Everquest 1 or 2, Runescape, Ultima, Mabinogi, Maplestory or even GW1. I came to GW1 from Everquest 2, then when GW2 came out, I got it as an early birthday present when I was 16. Been on GW2 on and off since a month or two after release and I still enjoy it, definitely much more fun than most MMOs I've played. :u

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I'm from Mabinogi, and Shin Megami Tensei Online

I quite like the freedom of building a character by acquiring all skills and progressing them through use. A fairly interesting if very slow combat (Mabinogi overturned that system after a time). In both cases they had interesting concepts that have thus far not been replicated in other MMos either. 

No regret over my move to gw2 though.

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I'm from FFXI that I played from 2003 to 2021, tried other more recent MMOs over the years including FFXIV obviously; it's awful.

GW2 is the only one I keep coming back to even though EoD somehow tainted my enjoyment of the game.

Edited by vanfrano.1325
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I suppose technically my first was a text-based MUD but I can't remember the name and didn't play it for very long.

My first actual MMO was Ultima Online which I played from 1998 until about 2002. I tried Everquest and Runescape too, and another one I can't remember the name of, but I didn't like them as much as UO. I really liked the open-ended sandbox approach where it was largely up to players to decide what they'd spend their time doing and didn't like the fact that EQ and Runescape seemed to be all about levelling for most people. Grinding was definitely a big part of UO too, I remember being surprised when I learned that people who said they could max a skill in a day meant literally doing nothing else for 8+ hours (which at first would have taken me 8 weeks because we had dial-up internet so I was only allowed to play for an hour at weekends), but it was always a means to an end, whereas in other games simply levelling up seemed to be the goal.

In the end I gave up on UO because I couldn't commit the time it required to really achieve anything or be part of the community. For a few years I assumed MMOs weren't for me, then I discovered GW1. The charr were the first thing that got me interested, and the world in general but it was when I found out it was an MMO without a subscription and where the maximum level was 20 and you could pretty much go at your own pace that it convinced me to try it.

Since then I've played a few other MMOs (I'm logged into Elder Scrolls Online now) but GW1 and 2 have been the ones I've stuck with.

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Came to GW2 from GW1, but played Everquest 2 and Runescape before. Left those because of too few players (EQ2) and getting put off by the forced subscribe-to-play model (RS). GW just has a much better playerbase and respects my time/money more.

Edited by Poormany.4507
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Hmm.. Ragnarok Online, RF Online, Lineage II, Anarchy Online, Guild Wars 1 (up until Nightfall only), City of Heroes, Champions Online, World of Warcraft, Guild Wars 2 for a very short time then back to WoW, drama-drama-drama, quit MMORPGs in general for many years, full of disappointment and regret, then now Guild Wars 2 again but solo only.

Edited by CaffeeCup.5742
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Everquest forever! Started my MMO career the day that Everquest released('99), having decided to pass on Ultima Online because of the reviews I had read about its toxic PvP environment.  I only truly abandoned Everquest about 6 years ago. 

I pretty much tried about every MMO that released since EQ but never played anything more then a few days/weeks/months.

Edited by Tyncale.1629
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I was a beta tester for Ultima Online (what a mess that was.....).  Didn't play upon release, too much PTSD from the beta!

Started Asheron's Call in the open beta as well, played that on and off until nearly the very very end.

Played Wow for a bit, Dark Ages of Camelot for a bit as well.


I did actually start GW2 at launch (used to have the box around somewhere) but I chose Engineer to start.. and got frustrated and gave up.  Came back 2 years ago and glad I did!

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I've played a ton of games, many above mentioned like OSRS, which I imagine most of us played.

Back in the day though, the community I spent the most time with, was Aeria Games. I beta tested & played many of the games they published, some of which are still available to play.

Their first game to hook me was Last Chaos, which is still alive!

Runes of Magic was different & fun for a little while.

I've only played one rpg where you always had to stay in character, which was a real test of my imagination. It had an engaged, supportive community, some really original biomes & fun features. Frustratingly, I can't remember the name of it...

I'm giving a Special Mention to Crowns of Power which was unique & died in 2010 just as I was beginning to explore it, impressed by its community at the time, some of whom have since purchased the game, which is making a valiant return to life!

Still of all the games I've played, my all time favourite was Twelve Sky, mesmerized by its amazing ost. While Twelve Sky 2 is similar & available to play, there is no recapturing the atmosphere of the original.

As Jaded Jag, Jinong from Devotion, I'm forever haunted by His Way. 


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DAoC was my first; started that at release. Left for WoW after getting sick of the ToA expansion and New Frontiers; but went back to DAoC for a brief time when Classic servers were opened.


Then time spent in LotRO and Rift. Some great things about both, but I think I had just burnt myself out on mmos at that point, and left the genre behind for years. My wife talked me into going back to WoW with her about a third of the way through Legion, which we both thoroughly enjoyed. That enjoyment ended soon after the BfA expac released. No intention of ever giving WoW, or really any other Blizzard game, another shot.


Been with GW2 about 3 years now (this time at my youngest daughter & her then boyfriend's urging), taking breaks when health issues/disabilities interfere too much. The action combat, incredible world art, and the fun of buildcrafting keeps me entertained and invested - all for no monthly fee other than internet access. I miss some of the things about my past mmos (DAoC's RvR; LotRO's story and raids, etc.), but overall I find GW2 a great place to spend some free time.

Edited by Duglaive.5236
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12 hours ago, Naxos.2503 said:

I'm from Mabinogi, and Shin Megami Tensei Online

I quite like the freedom of building a character by acquiring all skills and progressing them through use. A fairly interesting if very slow combat (Mabinogi overturned that system after a time). In both cases they had interesting concepts that have thus far not been replicated in other MMos either. 

No regret over my move to gw2 though.

Oh yeah, I'm from EQ2 and Mabinogi, I agree that Mabinogi is very, very unique for a MMO, and it's a shame no MMO company has tried to replicate that, the only one closest to it is Black Desert Online and I say that very loosely. lol If only Mabinogi wasn't owned by literally the EA of Korean MMO companies.

I got interested in GW1 for a....very dumb reason, I was a 12 year old kid so, my reasoning was because the capes had cloth animation and EQ2 didn't. lol I had very weird priorities for MMOs back then. Either way, I still, very much, enjoyed GW1, but didn't get far from what I remember. Plan to revisit GW1 soon to finish up what I started.

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