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Which major, unrealistic feature would you gladly skip an expansion for?


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I'd be down with 2/3 years worth of no real content updates if I knew Anet was working on turning the game into an open world MMO.

Being able to climb atop the ship wreckage on Verdant Brink and jetpack with the griffon all the way to Divinity's Reach, with no loading screen between Queensdale & Divinity's Reach, would be awesome.


What about you?

Is there some huge, time consuming feature you'll probably never see in GW2, that you keep dreaming about?

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3 hours ago, Aodlop.1907 said:

Is there some huge, time consuming feature you'll probably never see in GW2, that you keep dreaming about?

The 2x2x4 meter invisible cornerstone.

It's just a box that is invisible because it's missing a mesh in 1 out of 3 wall tiers but GOD kitten IS THAT HARD TO ADD.

We've seen 10+ living stories, PoF, EoD, probably 100+ patches in the time Anet has failed to fix the cornerstone in WvW.

Some day, sigh... 

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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Harry potters invisibility cloak! For the times you ruffle your feathers in open world jumping in to save a random person struggling. Only to end up in downed state after two seconds. (Looking at you suspicious orichalcum) 👀 so I won’t have to do the walk of shame afterwards!

Or a portable hole in the ground! You make the choice anet. I trust your decision  

Edited by Freya.9075
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Revamped and nicely fleshed out endgame content loop (with no game breaking bugs, but this one is in the realm of impossible so...). Not some AFK masteries with all the fluff every expansion. 
I would even settle for bug fixes for EoD instanced content, but we will probably reach 1 year with those bugs 😘

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I can patiently wait quite a while for expac 4, as we get a solid Living World Season 6 that adds:


* Six-ish maps to flesh out Cantha, with particular desire to see Kirin Peak and Great Turtle Highlands.

* Two or three new Canthan themed raid wings. Completion grants you a second Leggy PvE ring, with a fourth tier skin when combined with Aurora/Coalescence/Vision, rounding out our raids and PvE leggy trinkets. I could see the other half of Echovald Forest and Sunqua Peak being obvious options.

* We explore the Jade Sea more and acquire a Kraken mount for underwater zoomies, stealth, and mountain/building climbing. It's the perfect mount for Shing Jea (open ocean), New Kaineng (long vertical surfaces), and Echovald (sneaky stealth), just like Roller Beetle was the perfect mount for PoF's broad, flat maps. And if Gorrik isn't the point of contact for these quests again I will riot. RIOT, I say.

* A mastery track that improves underwater combat. This is the most watery region/expansion we will get, it's now or never.

* A "big jade tech development" mastery quest as a counterpart to the PoF capstone that was Skyscale. This can coincide with the underwater combat mastery track, or be its own thing. I don't have a strong preference, but I need a payoff for all this jade tech wankery. I need like...a shape-changing legendary glaive with underwater utilities that actually work, but also that lets me float through the mountains like in Journey. Or I need a mini-airship that lets me travel to waypoints my alt characters have visited. 

* A legendary aquabreather and skin options. Again, this is kind of a now or never moment for anything underwater-related.


Tl;Dr: underwater revamp.

Edited by Batalix.2873
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There's nothing I want in the game or out of the game that will make me accept 2 to 3 years of no content updates. I remember the content drought before and after HoT, and it won't do the game any good.

But there is one thing I hope they will add/change and that is the preview window. Make it so it fits all character models and with whatever weapon you are previewing. Especially previewing double handed weapons on a Charr is a pain. I never had much hope they would update that, but with all the updates and changes they've been making this year, I am slightly more hopeful that one day they may tackle this. Though I don't understand how or why they even signed off on the current preview window to begin with. It's subpar at best.

Edited by TheNecrosanct.4028
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20 hours ago, Aodlop.1907 said:

I'd be down with 2/3 years worth of no real content updates if I knew Anet was working on turning the game into an open world MMO.

What? It already is that.

Open world games are a massive resource/cost/time hog that provide very little gameplay. GW2 is the only game to use their open world properly and full of repeatable stuff...just no rewards anymore.

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I'd trade an expansion to have the existing professions and eSpecs reworked from the ground up.  Keep the base mechanics for each, just remove all the bloat and band aids that have been applied over the years and start with fresh code.

Perhaps if the design team were starting fresh they would be able to implement cohesive playstyles for different eSpecs that are balanced against each other, the roles they share and the game modes they are used in.

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I wouldnt mind no zone loading screens, makes the game feel like a continuous world when you dont have loading screens always popping up. Having played other games where the world was one big journey, with only markers like road signs or the title of the zone changing to let you know you had moved into that area was nice. 


I would wait on an expansion for them to create an open world legendary armor journey. Encompassing the entire open world experience, it dont have to be anything flashy could be a potato sack for all i care, what is the most important is the QoL of the armory. Why shouldn't the largest played content in the game get a set too. People say why should casuals or open world players be worthy of a set seem to want to hold some kind of prestige over the heads of open world players. To that I say bollocks! there is nothing that prestigious about it when people can buy carries and just play dead at the start of the fight. 


That ship sailed long ago, its time to allow all players to have the QoL of the armory. Do the grind and the achievements put in the gold and materials and get the set.  

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