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Anyone else impatient for a Q1 2023 Road Map?

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On 1/20/2023 at 5:39 PM, vares.8457 said:

Why should GW2 get new classes? Elite specializations are better, you can play your existing characters and don’t have to create new ones. 

Do we even need more of either? I'd rather they spent time to balance and give each spec more of a proper identity and respective strenghts, than adding more that may or may not be interesting. 
Some are doing okay-ish on that side like necros, but others like elem are moreso "what do you wanna swing as you remain essentially the same", or massively "one spec oriented" like firebrand monopolizing guardians.

On a similar point, the character creation really feels outdated nowadays, as it really doesnt communicate nor is instinctive about which class is able to do what, or the sort of role they can do in a group down the line.

I mean most content requires 10 folks or less, and the few content you do in squad of 40 can either be done with literally any class in open world, or wvw where you (ideally) want nearly the same group of 5 copy pasted 8 times, to rotate what are considered the most important cooldowns / have all subgroups buffed.  

I'd find it much cooler if they managed to make having in a group all sorts of specs just as viable (or even optimal?), than increasing classes from 27 to 36 but keeping 60% of the playerbase concentrated on 6 or 7 specs only

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Would love to see what kind of direction they are going to take with the next living world / expansion.

Certainly feels like it'd be hard to work within the gaps to create a new elite specs for each profession. Doing a new class with 3 elite specs could be a smoother approach, especially if it was paired up with a new race. 


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On 1/4/2023 at 9:42 PM, NotTooFoolish.7412 said:

Uhm, crazy idea, u know that Anet employees are humans too. They deserve a holiday break.

It's highly likely that they had plans for Q1 '23 long before the holidays.  It's also possible for them to have written a roadmap for dissemination well before the holiday as well.  Seems they didn't.


Do holidays impact schedules?  Absolutely.  Do they make it impossible to inform customers about plans for the coming quarter at the start of the quarter?  Well, other companies manage it.  If they're so short-handed that a blog is above the pale and would have cost someone a holiday day, well, that's not a good sign.  If they don't have an internal roadmap to craft a blog from, well, that's not a good sign either.

Edited by IndigoSundown.5419
I doubt ANet had planes
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On 1/20/2023 at 11:33 AM, Knighthonor.4061 said:

Oh snap 

I just Googled the new WoW Expansion, and saw the Wowhead page on it! I didn't know Dragonflight expansion was out. I am very desperate for a new MMO to play. I may also jump back into WoW.


Another thing. People here always talk about how GW2 couldn't possibly get new classes to play, yet look at WoW, almost 20 years old and it's been getting a bunch of new classes.  Why can't we?

They barely have the staff to balance the ones we have. Sounds nice but I’ve noticed a lot of abilities get reused, and sometimes for the worse. Just look at catalyst/scrapper as first example. 

Not saying wow doesn’t, because all games do to an extent. Only so much you can do.


I wouldn’t rule out a new profession, it’s just now they have 3 elite specs for existing professions and while they wouldn’t HAVE to add specs for the new profession that many they have a tendency to make expansions playable independent of each other. So someone playing only that profession might feel shafted getting the others. I can see why they wouldn’t.


Realistically they can add more weapon types and make something feel wildly different with an elite spec. Spectre is quite a change from the other thief builds.


But they also are very hit or miss with utility skills and many older ones need updating. 

Edited by Bast.7253
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19 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Great, if 'new content' is important to you, then obviously you have choices to go play games that have it. I mean, you realize that GW2 is actually designed so you can come as go as you desire and not fall behind right? When GW2 adds new content, come back ... but in no way does anything another game does ahve to be how Anet operates. 

What does this even mean?

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2 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

"New content" has become a characteristic now? 😄

I don't get this post. GW2 has been getting new content periodically for the entirety of it's existence so the rhetoric that Anet isn't giving GW2 new content at a pace that some people want is pretty much nonsense at this point. Clearly, the people with this view should see if the grass is actually greener elsewhere. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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2 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

I don't get this post.

You quoted someone who was asking for new content in GW2, and who stated that other games have recently released new content, by telling them to go play those other games who have what they are looking for.

Ergo, you made new content sound like a characteristic for MMORPGs, when in reality it's their lifeline. 😄

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23 minutes ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

You quoted someone who was asking for new content in GW2, and who stated that other games have recently released new content, by telling them to go play those other games who have what they are looking for.

Ergo, you made new content sound like a characteristic for MMORPGs, when in reality it's their lifeline. 😄

I think if there is a characteristic here, it's related to the frequency of new content releases. I mean, if people are going to argue GW2 doesn't get frequent enough new content releases, I feel they aren't being honest.  I can only speak anecdotally here, I find GW2 new content release frequency to be average.

I think the nice thing about GW2 is that it's designed for people to come and go as they want without falling behind, so while the new content release frequency is average, the impact it has on the game is not as significant as other games that might depend on subs for revenues.

Edited by Obtena.7952
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If you’re in the loop you know what I mean, if not on the main website there’s an article from the end of December where anet promises to come back early this year and talk about Q1, which probably will necessitate a larger talk about the game as a whole since Q1 is likely to include end of dragons story content and they’re not calling it living world anymore so they have to explain what it is now.


anyway - this post isn’t meant to incite anger or complain that it’s late, im just curious what other people think.  

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I think we'll get an update later this week. Lunar New Year is the last of the stuff they'd already told us about and that ends on Monday. It wouldn't surprise me if they have something planned for the Tuesday (maybe nothing big, but something) so that would be a good starting point for a new road map, and announcements normally come a few days before the releases.

But they could also just announce the next thing and leave a full road map for later in the year.

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On 1/22/2023 at 1:01 PM, Artemis.8034 said:

How many people could have possibly done every thing in the game? I havent even scratched the surface after 3 years lol

Source: https://www.mmorpg.com/columns/alliances-announced-2000107156 Some of us have been waiting 5 years  for some changes. So your mileage will vary. I agree and wouldn't want new players to assume there is not a huge amount of content, there is a vast and overwhelming content for players but for those that were there thru it there is also gaps. In WvW there are even more of those.So yes where is the Q1 update so we can keep guildmates in game. 

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22 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Pretty simple ... if you are going to use other games to compare with GW2, just go play those others games. 

Why do you want LESS people playing your MMO? They depend on having a  high population to function.

This same logic was what Wildstar players told people - a game you can no longer play because it shut down due to lack of players.

You really don't want to tell people to not play your MMO.

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2 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

Why do you want LESS people playing your MMO? They depend on having a  high population to function.

This same logic was what Wildstar players told people - a game you can no longer play because it shut down due to lack of players.

You really don't want to tell people to not play your MMO.

That's a really shallow understanding of the business model for GW2 ... and who says GW2 needs to have people playing that don't like the game? You think those people spend money in it?

I mean, sounds to me like there are people who think the grass is greener somewhere else ... they should go check that for themselves and see if they are being honest with themselves about GW2. The good thing is that GW2 is designed to allow it with little consequence to their progression. 



Edited by Obtena.7952
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 And yet again no road map. Might get published next week - until they do a late news. (Afaik sometimes - though not too often - they do  updates on the website outside of the regular tuesday thing.) At this week end would also be an option maybe.

For now it seems they have enough sales stuff. I am actually happy. Getting to spend some of the gems I bought last year for the 2 last new bag slot upgrades for the main. Where I bought more for wintersday - had to wait for the storage expander and bank tab expansion until now though. (Was worth the wait.) To get them on sale. Now I would just like to see one of the deluxe upgrades for the core game or HoT (other ones I have already). 😄 If not ... I have about 2k gems left to get the normal one for normal price.

Stuff interesting for sales should be less available now ... with them having offered the storage expanders and bank stuff. Shared inventory slots were last year near the end I think. Road map soon then I guess.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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