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HOTS had gliding. POF had mounts. What can EOD bring?

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Pet battles? Some type of minion system? It looks like IB saga toyed with situational borrowed power and perks. I.e. you earned more rewards for the content if you had your masteries. Really it's hard to come up with a new system that we don't already have, so it may have to be something tied to the content itself. i'd love something cool, but I'm out of ideas and housing doesn't do it for me. That's not to say other people wouldn't enjoy it, I just wouldn't care.

Edited by Firebeard.1746
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I'm thinking underwater content, housing, and/or wall climbing would be the most likely for me.


Underwater content - The next expac seems to have at least partial water focus and this would be a good time to bring in underwater-specific exploration abilities, such as currents, deep sea pressure, interactions with underwater races and their home cities, etc. I wouldn't expect much in terms of combat due to general lack of player support and it being a nightmare for balance (about as much as mount button 1 attacks), but mainly for exploration utility.


Housing - Seems to have at least a moderate player appeal (based on the Forums at least), would provide for good long-term achievements/collectibles, and would be easy to sell gemstore skins. If it is housing though, I would really hope and am concerned that they do not lock 90+% of it behind gemstore skins and items.


Wall climbing - Last major movement ability that we don't have in large scale yet (although skyscale has some). Could do some type of wall walking/climbing/jumping/oakheart type things as masteries, as well as combat abilities like those mentioned by @Gran Reave.9754above. I even wonder if the recent tilt bug may be hinting at this being in development/experimented with?

Edited by Poormany.4507
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31 minutes ago, Poormany.4507 said:

I'm thinking underwater content

Oh God. I hope not.

I mean you mention exploration in your post, in which case yeah, could be fun. But underwater combat...Please no!

Edited by Aodlop.1907
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I just want to see a couple new fractals and some other type of dungeons with high rewards for challenging content.

this is what the game needs - like strike missions etc. are whatever, we need a new proper big scale dungeons which are not as hardcore as raids but still challenging and rewarding fun and money-wise

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Here is the thing with housing. some love it, some don't care. There are probably many games that have a good housing system. One that comes to mind for me is Elder Scrolls Online. It is woven into the game in such a way that it can be end game content.  Anything you loot has a chance to drop decoration plans. Where they drop might be more productive in farming for gold if they are valuable. Keep them, learn them or sell them for profit. Start with a tiny apt for free, use gold to buy bigger apts, homes & or use gems to buy mansions! (mansions could be small guild halls in size) Own 1 or 2 or own them all! Decorate how ever you like. Cosplay your house like you cosplay your toon. Or minecraft yourself a giant enterprise out of the decorations ingame. It's always more fun to make new decorations with other decorations.


ESO has a massive housing community for people that like to decorate in ways you might not realize. With some minor tweaks to gw2's  scribe system it could too be reinvented to be a new housing system here. Cantha could bring that but, seems unlikely. The main reason seems like they gave up on guildhalls was to sell those gemstore scroll things (blanking on name). Guildhalls while fun for the few that got to decorate kinda have problems in that not everyone can decorate. And since the cost is massive, not as many cared about doing it. They kinda shot themselves in the foot there or didn't want people to do it (because of resources) so made it super expensive and group based decorating. (people have ownership issues) A solo house decoration system would be better in this game.


My guess however is that first if they changed anything they'd allow our current personal instanced housing to be decorated. 2ndly since those places are already decorated they might look at doing a housing system in game, but again resources.  They seem small and poor, so i'd imagine some kind of gemstore unlock (like with gardening). Not saying i want that, i'd prefer it standard with the xpac as the op mentioned Hot had gliders, Pof had mounts, this xpac or another could have housing.


As for what people love about gw2- it has changed over the years. The original people that made it are all gone. The original intent is fading away. Micro transactions popped up. Shiney legendaries took a back seat to shiney gemstore items. Never raiding is now yes we have raiding. What you once loved about gw2 might not always be here.

Edited by Kelly.7019
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Fishing please. Give me something that is a time sink, relaxing enough I can watch a stream or something, with a chance to land rare enough stuff that makes money, so it keeps me there. Would also make sense that different places in the world land different fish/items so people can see different parts again.

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I would like to see with cantha a reinvisioning of the dungeon system. I get fractals are hard mode dungeons but dungeons could be what they used to be a fun way to collect a lil bit of gold & currencies a for other things. Making use out of these old dungeon currencies more in game would draw people back to them more. I get there are already many uses for them. I see a potential here to tie in old game modes for a new one. or maybe more options to buy things with these currencies.


p.s. basically what i'm saying is i like dungeons that aren't always hard mode, reminds me of the leveling process as a long term vet. I also see people challenging themselves by running these solo. and in that since, solo dungeons might be fun even though this is a group play game.


p.s.s oh and i just had another thought. like in eso "solo duns" are kinda called "delves". Delves in gw2 could be a way to tie in old game content with new. I always thought it be fun to have seacaves added to old base game tyria maps - i always wished i would have stumbled across these while exploring. Now imagine if there were solo duns/non party group duns ingame to  discover and loot rare rewards from. of course instead of old base game it could just be new xpac maps.

Edited by Kelly.7019
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On 5/17/2021 at 10:19 AM, Psientist.6437 said:

HoT and PoF had masteries that evolved combat and a new large feature. We don't have to choose between the two. I would take the absence of a big new feature as evidence for the studio's long term plans for the game. If you want GW2 to continue, hope for a big, new, monetizable feature. Masteries and a new race can't deliver. I can't think of a better option than a complex housing system. I love the idea of a housing and settlement system where players work together to customize settlements and zones.

 I don't think an open world housing system would happen here. "players work together" sounds to me like group based decorating that causes problems because of ownership rights. While i kinda miss my "Arch Age" housing (which i first thought of when you said settlements) but that idea if you mean like ingame server based goals has a possibility.

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On 5/1/2021 at 7:40 PM, Roda.7468 said:

Y'all have never actually seen how dedicated mmo housing communities are,  and it shows lmao.  The creative outlet that good housing systems allow is a huuuuuuuuge draw to a sizable chunk of the live-game audience. And it's one of the two systems (the other being xiv's gpose) that I think gw2 could benefit the most from.

ESO - amazing decoration possibilities - one guilds decoration fun activities - https://spicyeconomics.com/gallery/ use the drop down menu under "ESO Housing Gallery" to look at all the things that are possible and be inspired.

Edited by Kelly.7019
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4 hours ago, Kelly.7019 said:

 I don't think an open world housing system would happen here. "players work together" sounds to me like group based decorating that causes problems because of ownership rights. While i kinda miss my "Arch Age" housing (which i first thought of when you said settlements) but that idea if you mean like ingame server based goals has a possibility.

In public areas, players would contribute towards unlocking new zone assets, just like current community events. Permissions aren't relevant. There is room for agency, though. We could vote directly or choose where our contributions went. This mechanic would extend the life of all new zones, breathe new life into existing zones, and give players the sense they are helping to build the zone and story. As I said before, this feature wouldn't require a box and hook housing system but would benefit from having it.

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Housing can work in this game as some kind of base. Even integrate story elements or side quests to.


The basic homes we have nowcould have kept going, but it seems to cause them problems. Also there really is not utility function that can work better than passes already provide.


Regardless the devs wanted housing for PoF but couldn't get it done in time. If we don't get it for EoD, it won't ever be happening.

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44 minutes ago, Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

Housing can work in this game as some kind of base. Even integrate story elements or side quests to.


The basic homes we have nowcould have kept going, but it seems to cause them problems. Also there really is not utility function that can work better than passes already provide.


Regardless the devs wanted housing for PoF but couldn't get it done in time. If we don't get it for EoD, it won't ever be happening.

Dont remember the Devs saying anything about wanting housing in PoF.

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On 5/1/2021 at 8:58 PM, Altion.9576 said:

And that could be a great source of income for the devs so the game can keep going with perhaps a bigger staff.  Just look at ESO and Black desert.   ONLY in the stetic sense, not all that pay to grind bs

Add RIFT to the list - though it's in maint mode now - the dimension system there is fantastic and did branch out so as to support and enrich the experience in the game.

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Do you think that the Tyria continental map and Cantha map will be on the same world map? Besides that, I think there may need to be new travel mechanics to get to and move around Cantha. Sooo...


The commander gets their own airship, which contains a large space that the commander can throw their trash, errr  I mean furniture and decorations in. The airship can anchor at some waypoints in Tyria and at docking points in every Cantha location. Anchors can be used by players to query attached airships and enter any which allow public access. When on the airship, maps for multiple continents will be available to select waypoints and docks to travel to and anchor at.


For map traversal anchored airships allow for aerial deployment above an anchor or at certain uncontested locations on a map (like dirzzlewood) and can deploy the commander midair with a parachute, glider, griphon, skyscale, or handheld inertia breaking system (witnesses of it describe it as landing safely by punching the ground while falling).


For QOL improvements anchored airships allow access to all character inventories for the account and even allow character selection (swapping) without leaving the map.

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On 5/5/2021 at 1:18 PM, The Greyhawk.9107 said:

Asura do tend to build oversized buildings as well.


It is to compensate for their ego 🤣 and yes, I am playing mostly Asura characters. Anything big looking buildings should keep away those nasty 5 feet trolls, that is scientifically proven. It is only those infernal Dragons that haven't understood our Genius (yet)....

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mounts was a perfect cow milk: useful and skins... IBS was a way to extend that, no new mechanics and more mounts skins gem salea. they can come with even more mounts in EoD because its sell skins.


foruns normally came with worst ideas like LS1 returning, underwater combat, fishing, housing, all that "passive" gameplay is a illusion, also i dont see people gathering into underwater areas.


the "forum ideas" remind me of this fake trailer. 


Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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