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So what is your deepest desire (top 3) for things you want to see in GW2?

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  • Evil.1580 changed the title to So what is your deepest desire (top 3) for things you want to see in GW2?

Raid wings every year would be nice..Alliances are the biggest thing i want! I cant be alone in this. When i left the game they said alliances were coming out soon. its been a few years now how soon is "soon"?  The performance upgrade and optimization would be awesome, but dont count on it. When wow upgraded it made a world of difference in smoothness fps clarity. Time to let go of the outdated engine from 2004. Its like NCSoft is trying to strangle this game, never tie your wonderful game to one of the mega gaming monopolies, they will destroy it. So i guess my biggest wish is for Anet to free themselves from their overlord, even if that means breaking free and making GW3 or a new GW altogether.

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  • New Engine.
  • Improved character customization and textures.
  • Better mount scaling for larger characters.


Though mainly the first one and the other two I picked from the first things that popped into my head.


A new engine because the current one is at its limits and ~20 years old, and much of what people want literally cannot be done with it. Improved character customization because the game's coming up on 9 years and there's been minimal updates for every race except humans. Better mount scaling because outside a handful of skins, norn and charr look like they're crushing their mounts.


And in relation to GW2 but not directly in-game, free articles and stories that expand on the lore that the game doesn't (and can't always) do. They used to do this (plus put out the three novels) but have since stopped and it's a shame because there's a lot of unwritten lore and lore that was written for the devs' use but not made public and I think putting out side stories and whatnot would help keep players engaged and interested between content patches and maybe connect more with various characters and races.

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1) A feature that makes Loot exiting again without compromising the flat powercurve. For me this could be Housing where a myriad of items could be added, from common to super rare, bound and unbound, recipes and mats and entire Grandfather clocks from that Bandit Chief.


2) A new gameplay feature where people can build stuff, like their own jumping puzzle, or fairy garden, or Asura Tecno lab. Again Housing.


3) More bosses should drop rare stuff, just like the Ogre chief drops Sam in Fields of Ruin. Ogre Wars is still being done daily by a lot of people, and I consider it one of the social places in the game. They could expand on this big time, by adding more rare loot, without compromising the powercurve. Loot like, I dunno, slabs of Exotic Canthan Marble with which you can decorate your lobby in your house. 


Did I talk to much about Housing?

Edited by Tyncale.1629
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a multi level, (think of cave of ordeals from twilight princess) randomly generated dungeon with randomly generated monsters that start to ramp up in difficulty as you progress to next "floors".

Team of 5, rewards and exp increase the more you advance. implement special currency that is earned by clearing floors. Use it to trade for exclusive armor/weapons/auras/minis

Every now and then, Insanity floor where you get boss + random boss or mob group at the same time, like perhaps:

Risen Giganticus Lupicus + Legendary Mordrem Vinetooth
Subject Alpha + 5 Hydras

Disable foods and consumables, but put Checkpoints every 20 or so floors with special "rest" room where you can repair armor, eat foods+consumables and save progress.

Would be a great way to bring back all the good content that has been forgotten from dungeons and would be exciting and fun because you don't know the stuff that will come up, every floor a mystery to keep everything interesting

Edited by Knuckle Joe.7408
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These are things that I want so of course they none of them will ever happen but whatever I guess.

1)PvP Getting actual focus, and a fully staffed team to handle updates

2)Hair technology advancing so that we can get some hat + hair combos that don't make your character go bald.

3)Dungeons coming back as a regular form of content. Currently there isn't a good PvE activity for that half-to-a-full-hour timeslot for GW2.

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34 minutes ago, Knuckle Joe.7408 said:

a multi level, (think of cave of ordeals from twilight princess) randomly generated dungeon with randomly generated monsters that start to ramp up in difficulty as you progress to next "floors".

Team of 5, rewards and exp increase the more you advance.

Every now and then, Insanity floor where you get boss + random boss or mob group at the same time, like perhaps:

Risen Giganticus Lupicus + Legendary Mordrem Vinetooth
Subject Alpha + 5 Hydras

Would be a great way to bring back all the good content that has been forgotten from dungeons


I like the idea. Similar like endless dungeon? With randomly generated maps / instances. The more you stay inside the harder the mobs become but the rewards also increase :)

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7 minutes ago, White Kitsunee.4620 said:

These are things that I want so of course they none of them will ever happen but whatever I guess.

1)PvP Getting actual focus, and a fully staffed team to handle updates

2)Hair technology advancing so that we can get some hat + hair combos that don't make your character go bald.

3)Dungeons coming back as a regular form of content. Currently there isn't a good PvE activity for that half-to-a-full-hour timeslot for GW2.

For number 3 have you tried fractals or strike missions?

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New balancing team with a bold approach and fresh take to making all e-specs & base profs worthy & fun


Serious under the hood improvements to performance


Double down on instanced group content (fractals, raids, strike missions, etc.,) that is much more interesting than following a zerg death ball around open world events. Bonus points if they can do this by encouraging elitist players to be more inclusive (eg. bonus rewards when someone in the instance gets an achievement for that content).

Edited by dace.8019
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1 minute ago, Linken.6345 said:

For number 3 have you tried fractals or strike missions?

yea? I usually do 3Easy strikes daily and I used to do daily T2 fractals.
But I can see how what I said might have been confusing. A single fractal is like 5-10 minutes. A single strike is like 5-10 minutes. A single raid can run several hours+. I like the idea of there being a middle ground of content time-wise for players who have a good chunk of time but can't do raids.
Besides that there are all kinds of great reasons to bring dungeons back.

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I want raids and dungeons to become the most popular content in GW2.

1 new raid wing and 2 dungeons every year would be a good starting point but also an easy, normal and legendary mode in raids to teach new players boss mechanics and introduce them gradually into raiding.

Nerf bosses who are clearly way harder than the rest on the same wing for the existing raids to balance out the wing difficulty level.

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My deepest desires regarding GW2 are: 😂

1. DX12 directly implemented into the game or change the engine. It lags alot when other players are around, and I always need to set options for seeing less players. Would be better if actually the game would minimise players by itself or anything else that could fix that lag.

2. Better skill animation. Pleaaaasee! I mean come on Jormag and primordus have such beautiful skill effects and their champions too, and what do I have? a circle that I put on the ground, like really? For ex elementalist have such chunky animations imao especially the scepter, the autoattack is ew, and not only this class others too. I feel like we should get better animation for all classes skills.

3. Better character creation/customization. Would be amazing if we could actually modify the whole body parts and face parts. (lip, colour, eyebrows, a whole rainbow scale to choose not only default colours)


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3) normal modes for raids in addition to the current hard modes

2) Arenanet needs to overhaul old content, instead of letting it rot away in its partially broken way, for example fixing Sunqua Peak.

1) Arenanet starting to communicate with the community

Edited by Fueki.4753
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