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1 hour ago, Balsa.3951 said:

Exactly this, I knew sooner or later anet would add some Pokémon style to the game. They saw cute sells.

Those Jade bots making me very worry, yes they look convenient, but they also will make everything even less difficult in open world content. They buff vitality, they rezz. 

What I like is they salvage for u, If this works like I can tell them what to auto salvage that would be great. Like all blue and greens auto salvage and into the storage, only issue is how would that work with unidentified gear.


That's definitely a concern, although I think as power creep goes additional vitality and self-res are less impactful than something like electromagical pulse. I do hope they are careful about how much combat utility these masteries have.

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The first surprise was that ArenaNet is finally giving Jewelers something more to craft than just Xunlai Electrum Ingots. Your Jade Bot has its own menu in the Hero panel, where you can equip power cores—tied to the Jeweler crafting discipline. My bot was equipped with a Tier 1 core that gave a vitality boost to my character. Presumably we'll see more powerful effects at higher rarities.

Quote taken from PCGamer website. 



Edited by Flaming.4250
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3 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Just popping in quickly to say that I'm keeping an eye on responses and questions throughout the community to make sure Friday's episode of Guild Chat is as informative as it can be! (We might not be able to answer every single question, ofc, but I'll do my best!)

Putting in an early  request for

1) Imperial Interrogation Droid skin for my Necromancer
2) Casper skin for Halloween 🙂
3) Bubo the mechanical Owl skin (from original Clash of the Titans)
4) Tinkerbell (clap if you believe in Fairies)
5) EVE, from Wall-E
6) V.I.N.CENT from Disneys Black Hole.
7) Wheatley from Portal 2

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I have some concerns admittedly.

I feel that masteries that actively impact combat are quite risky and are more than likely going to end up being a detriment to the game rather than a positive.
But that remains to be seen, there are some concerns about previous masteries that are combat based and I would agree those concerns do hold some merit.

That said though, I do very much like that the Bot will integrate with old masteries and expand on them like Gliding and Mounts.
Not only is this mixing masteries concept something that I am a big fan of, but it is something that I have specifically requested multiple times over the years on these very forums.
So I am very very happy to see that this is finally happening in some form or another, even if the new abilities are different to the ones I suggested.
I'm just glad to see this multiple generation mastery synergy finally being a thing in the game, and I hope to see a lot more of it in future.

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Well I don't really like the aesthetics of that happy bot but give me Prof. Simon Wright from Captain Future and we'll talk.

What I really like to know is: Can you use all the masteries of the Jade Bot at lower levels, too (like gliding and mounts) or is it more restricted like Spectral Aid for example.

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Seems pretty cool! The fishing and skiffs were definitely a major disappointment to me but this one seems really interesting. Not the biggest fan of the aesthetic of the bot itself so hopefully they do make a nice variety of skins for them. I look forward to playing with this little guy and am curious what sort of modifications they can allow beyond extra vitality. Very pleasantly surprised with this. 

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22 minutes ago, Cronospere.8143 said:

Why did they wait soo long to tell about this? 

This is a big game changer. It would have saved soo much negative posts.. 

For me personally i think this is a very interesting feature. Curious how it will work out

Save the best for last so it builds excitement right up to release?

What was the first thing they showed us? Wondering, based on the "lead with your second best, finish with your best, everything else goes in the middle" philosophy of presentation.

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4 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

U right on the easier, but the bots will not work in fractals, strikes  or raids, from what I saw so far. 

I think you misunderstood him.

While jade bots will only work in the open world, it does make entry level content even easier, which means players (once they're done with the story) will get to instanced endgame knowing even less about the game than they do now since the game's going to hold their hands even harder. This could make the jump from open world content into instanced that much more daunting and thus damaging the game.

Edited by witcher.3197
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3 hours ago, Andy.5981 said:

Putting in an early  request for

1) Imperial Interrogation Droid skin for my Necromancer
2) Casper skin for Halloween 🙂
3) Bubo the mechanical Owl skin (from original Clash of the Titans)
4) Tinkerbell (clap if you believe in Fairies)
5) EVE, from Wall-E
6) V.I.N.CENT from Disneys Black Hole.
7) Wheatley from Portal 2

They can't put these things in due to copyright restrictions.

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Questions for Rubi, trying not to repeat what others asked above:

Given that jewelers can make the widgets (modules and/or cores) for the bots, are those widgets tradeable or can you only make them for yourself?  Will any of the mats needed for them be soulbound ones?  (I'm not asking *which* mats will be needed, just wondering how much an individual jeweler will need to farm up for themselves, if any).

On that custom-placed waypoint:  Does it persist if you log out or crash?  Can others in your party/squad use it?  Can anyone but you see it?  How long does it stay in place once you set it?

I assume that modules placed in the bot will stay in it permanently until you actively remove or swap them, unless something bugs out, but as a quick check is this accurate?

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I really don't want to downplay all the people working on this, but this is beyond disappointing. I was really hoping the last "hidden" mastery would be something mind blowing, considering "press f to fish" remained one of the main PvE features. 

Like, not even remotely this looks like a usp of an expansion. This looks more like an icebrood saga 2.0 type thing. Why even bother creating a model for this pokemon creature, when all it does is the same old features we had in the game for years. Just add a mastery line with extra skill to the glider that updrafts you, extra skill to the boat that... speeds it up (on top of speeding it up from emotes). Alexa, play Deja Vu. Emergency waypoint thing and revive orbs have been in the game for ages, and it's now a unique game changing feature of 3rd! expansion ? 

And that on top of the "press f to fish", use boat to "press f to fish" a bit farther away from the coast, because an existing water mount makes this thing absolutely useless everywhere, except when devs purposefully lock events behind it to justify its existence, and another new niche mount (kudos for the new tech tho) ? 

No WvW info, except a feature that was supposed to be in "development" even before the xpac was announced. Nothing on sPvP.

Strikes overhaul and elite specs are better be omega exciting on release, because as it is right now, it looks more like the memed "expansion level content" rather than actual expansion.

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