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GW2 Isn't made for people that has a real life job.

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Before I start I want to say that it is my opinion and I don't care if you don't agree with whatever I am saying and you don't have to read this either.


I've not been so active playing guild wars 2 for at least 3 years now.  The reason is I have a good Job and life to deal with. I have both expansions released so far and all LWS episodes unlocked. I always log in once in a while to not miss any new episode. But I can't or even feel like I can be back playing. The reasons are because the things I want to do take in the game so long, but so long, that I can't compromise myself and my time to do them anymore.


As an example. It has been over a year now that I've been trying to complete my Skyscale collection in order to get my mount and everytime I do some part of this collection I don't feel like doing it anymore. It will probably take another 2 years to complete.

2 days ago I logged into the game and tried to do "Saving skyscale collection" It had many subcollections to complete. Ice, Fire, Water, Courage, Fear and before I start this, I finished the other one about the eggs and had to wait 2 hours to start this one. This took me the whole day to finish Saving Skyscale. The amount of time I can't spend playing a game anymore. And the reason why I was never able to complete the eggs collection before is the same.


I am pretty sure there are a lot of people who enjoy this. And a MMORPG games should try to invest and keep players who would actually support the game not only with a few hours per day but also buying whatever there is for sale in the game store. But we can't if even to get a mount we have to spend days and days wasting our time into a ***** collection. Our time is valuable as too. 

I logged into the game today and checked what is the next part of collections I should get for my skyscale and I didn't feel like doing it today. So I wont be online untill the day I feel like doing it. The day I have plenty of time to spend in Guild Wars 2, that I have nothing better to do with my life. In 2 years I will finally be able to fly freely onto the skies of tyria. 




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Can't relate. I know you don't care if people disagree with you, but here we are in the general discussion section of a forum.


Prior to the pandemic, I was working full-time and still able to run a guild, play through content, and occasionally pick back through old achievements and chapters in between releases or whenever the current release was something I didn't care for (hello, raids). It undoubtedly took more time for me to complete certain tasks because of my need to be asleep by certain times each night and I definitely had a hectic and (often) unpredictable work schedule, but Guild Wars is very much meant to be a game for 'casual' players and you can absolutely budget your time to get things done.


In recent years they have introduced what they believe to be more engaging/challenging content, but ArenaNet seems to have learned early on that people don't appear to enjoy limited-time content (like season one) or other mechanics that punish people who can't play consistently for long periods of time. If we're lucky, they won't unlearn this lesson in future releases.


Suggestions to help you:

  • Pick a task: If it's the Skyscale, look up everything you've got to do, make a little list, and tackle one of these each time you play. When you finish, use the funds from your busy life and good job to buy yourself an entire cake and eat it whenever, because you're an adult and those are the kinds of perks that come with it.
  • Pick secondary tasks just in case: You can burn out if you work on something too long without breaks in-between. In this case, this might mean looking at old collections or achievements and chasing after some of those whenever your primary task starts to feel grindy. Switch between goals whenever you start burning out.
  • Challenge a friend, family member, or coworker: Pick a task in the game and see which of you can get it done faster. Bonus points if it's a coworker, because they'll most likely be working under the same time constraints as you. Similar to my first suggestion, except the loser has to buy the cake.
  • Remember that games are there to entertain you: If you're logging in periodically to collect episodes for free and are picking up expansions when they drop, your game will be there waiting to be played whenever you have time and energy to do so, and you lose nothing in the process.
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32 minutes ago, OlsenSan.2987 said:

As an example. It has been over a year now that I've been trying to complete my Skyscale collection in order to get my mount and everytime I do some part of this collection I don't feel like doing it anymore. It will probably take another 2 years to complete.

It may surprise you to find out that plenty of people who have skyscales are also gainfully employed with families.



Edited by mindcircus.1506
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Find it odd that you feel you have to complete each collection in one sitting.


Just do one part of said sub collection.



I feel your pain but the 2 hour cooldown bettwen collections should not be one of them since you have trouble to even finish 1 with the time you have to play.


I remember it at release when we had to wait to reset for next part.

Edited by Linken.6345
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If you have so little free time, MMOs probably aren't for you given GW2 is at the top of AAA MMOs that respect players' time and real life commitments.


Alternatively you can use one of the many guides out there so you can work through collections faster because there's zero reason to spend an entire day (despite living a busy life) trying to find something unless you both have the time and enjoy the challenge.

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To me getting the skyscale looked like a lot of work and a waste of time. However, I don't have a bad memory of the process after I completed it. In case you don't know, you don't have to be online for those hours you have to wait. You can just continue the next day. I think that is actually a plus for this game. Other games will have you grinding for hours. As mentioned above, I used a guide for the most part .

I can only suggest you find a pace that you enjoy. I prefer to play casually for a month than to grind for 3 days or a week.

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This isn't a game problem it's a  you problem. You're setting limitations on yourself that the game doesn't set. I run a guild with 350 people in it, and many of them if not most have jobs and families. Some people log in for their dailies and only play a couple of times a week if that. Most of those people have their skyscales.


It's just a matter of changing your thought process. Chip away a bit at a time. Don't be in a rush to get something. If you have friends or a helpful guild it's a lot better, because people can help.

My wife and I ran with a guildie during the jumping puzzle part of the Skyscale quest. I was showing him how to cheat a few JPs while she was jumping the others with a mesmer. We'd get through one or two, she'd portal the next.  And he got through.

The guy works full time, has a family, he's 59 years old but he got his skyscale.  


You want to be validated in your opinion so you say you don't care if we disagree. But you're opinion is a dataset of 1. Other people have different opinions that are equally valid..

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Are you aware that there is no time limit on completing the skyscale collections? Or most of the other activities in the game, except of course for immediate stuff like events. Just because it will take a day's worth of time to complete doesn't mean you have to do it all in one day, or that you need to have an entire day free to do it. You will never lose progress because you didn't complete it quickly enough so you can spread it out over as much time as you want or need.


When I got the skyscale it took me around 3 months, and I only did it that quickly because I love dragons so for me it was a priority to get it as soon as I could, I basically did nothing else in the time I was playing. But I was still only able to play for an hour or so a day, and not every day, because like you (and I think the majority of GW2 players) I have a job and a family and other hobbies.


Having less time to spend on one thing does mean accepting it will take you longer to reach the same point other people will get to sooner, and you'll do less overall but it's the same with anything. I've been working on a sewing project for a couple of weeks which I could probably have done in a day or two if I did nothing else, but that's not an option. But just like GW2 I'm not going to lose any progress by spreading it out, so that's what I do. (Sadly there's also been no sign of elves finishing it over night, but you never know.)


Of course if it's taking you a long time and you're not enjoying it then it's probably best to give up on that specific goal and focus on the things you do enjoy instead, because the point of a game is to have fun. The skyscale isn't required for anything except a few minor achievements so you can just carry on with the things which interest you instead of trying to complete it. (And if you change your mind later on all the progress you've made so far will still be there so you can just carry on from where you left off.)

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Based on how the OP is describing their situation, it seems their issue has more to do with them not enjoying the process of obtaining the skyscale rather than it having anything to do as to whether someone has a real life job or not.

Edited by Ayrilana.1396
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2 hours ago, OlsenSan.2987 said:

I logged into the game today and checked what is the next part of collections I should get for my skyscale and I didn't feel like doing it today. So I wont be online untill the day I feel like doing it. The day I have plenty of time to spend in Guild Wars 2, that I have nothing better to do with my life. In 2 years I will finally be able to fly freely onto the skies of tyria. 





Hey, Just letting you know it took me like a year+ish to get my skyscale.  You don't need to get it right away. Do 5/10 minutes of the collection and log out, eventually youll get there. Its grueling, yes, but the flight is worth it. 

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I see the point and am living that way right now. 


I just moved to a new city, started a new job, and my playing time has gone from ~20 hrs/wk to just getting the log-in rewards and skimming the forums. In April, I only had 4 days off total and those I spent running all the errands that had built up, mowing the lawn, and to unpack some more stuff. I'm not bragging or saying that to play the martyr it's just the truth. 


I would give nearly anything to play an entire day-off in preparation for the third expansion. In order to really enjoy GW2 you need to play 2-4 hours at a single stretch. Sure you can jump in and play for 30mins, but you won't be running anything but open-world PvE. It all adds up.


I won't ever say the those who have less time to play are more adult than those who play all the time. It's all about priorities, in-game and out.

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It took me 5 days to get my skyscale. The best way to improve your time efficiency is to use guides, the wiki, get friends to help you and check the tp for things you can buy to shorten the amount of time needed to complete a task. One example of this are the extra pungent skyscale treats you can buy to instantly get credit for one of the achievements.

So far I believe the best entertainment you can experience in this game when short on time is PvP, either sPvP matches or WvW blob fights, PvE has a few grindy aspects that are more attractive for people with lots of free time.

Everyone should consider reserving free time for themselves, unless you want to live to work, the recipe for happyness is to work to live.

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2 hours ago, Ayrilana.1396 said:

Based on how the OP is describing their situation, it seems their issue has more to do with them not enjoying the process of obtaining the skyscale rather than it having anything to do as to whether someone has a real life job or not.


True... If someone can't play this game with a Full time RL job ... they won't find ANY MMO they can play with a full time RL job. 


Skyscale is definitely not one of those things that impedes GW2 from being friendly to RL job people. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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I wonder what you'd think about getting a legendary then if Skyscale is the problem.

I'm not saying Skyscale isn't grindy, it's a legendary mount after all, but compared to other stuff in the game of a simmilar "tier" it's very doable for someone who doesn't have much time on their hands.


Try doing WvW legendary armor, now *that* is a literal impossibilty for people with limited time, and i can say WvW doesn't really respect people's time much because rewards reset each week, and unless you make WvW your second job, you won't achieve much in it rewards-wise (unless it's just for fun and you don't care about rewards).


But Skyscale? No, i can't agree, Skyscale is ok. Very much doable.

I highly recommend guides and TacO when dealing with collections and stuff, it'll go much faster and you can set a goal of some sort like, you don't have to do an entire collection in one sitting (though it's possible to do most of them in one sitting). Or you can do one collection a week, it'll take a while but you'll be able to do it for sure!

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Yeahhhh sorry you're frustrated, but this game is fine for people with jobs/lives. It may not be compatible with YOUR job/life, but that doesn't mean everyone who invests time in it is either unemployed or a child. I work 40-45 hours a week, have a husband and family, errands to run, ect and I still have plenty of time to play. 

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Skyscale is definitely very casual friendly, there are even time gates to stop hc grinders from getting it in one day.


Also, do you not have any vacations? I easily did the whole scaley during xmas, took about 3 days with all the timegates and running hearts for currencies with alts.


Keep in mind that you can watch tv shows or spend time on crafts and hobbies while autorunning between heart locations.

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2 hours ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

I wonder what you'd think about getting a legendary then if Skyscale is the problem.

After making 30+ legendaries, I can confidently say skyscale is a lot more tedious than making a legendary. Mostly because a huge chunk of a legendary can be acquired very passively. You either acquire the materials passively or acquire the gold to buy them passively. GoB and map completion are more restrictive though. In both cases you can slowly chip away at it but the legendary has more variety in the activities that you can do.

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Admittedly I am retired and therefore have a fair bit of time on my hands. However, I am middle-aged with a number of debilitating conditions, Parkinson's being the big one on the list. I am by no means a good player. Maybe on a good day I am passable. It took me only a month to get my Skyscale. Some really nice folks helped a bit here and there (so many nice people in this game), but for the most part, all it took was to read the guides, make a plan and then casually pick off bits of it day by day. From what I recall, there isn't a single piece of the Skyscale quest chain that requires you to sit and play for more than an hour or two. It was tedious to be sure (except for the part where I got to play with my little Skyscale buddy), but quite doable. I can only assume the OP's post was made in haste without actually delving into the details of the Skyscale quest chain. If he takes a look at the guides, I'm sure he'll be able to find ways to progress through that chain.

Edited by Eraden.8740
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4 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:


True... If someone can't play this game with a Full time RL job ... they won't find ANY MMO they can play with a full time RL job. 


Skyscale is definitely not one of those things that impedes GW2 from being friendly to RL job people. 

Exactly, GW2 is probably the most lenient and forgiving of all the MMOs out there - it even has an option (which I discovered by accident just recently) that allows you to set a timer in-game to remind you when to stop playing. Having played a couple other games, I couldn't imagine them having such a function, lol.


Really, it's all about how you set up your schedule. It seems you want the game to return some satisfaction to you while you do virtually nothing. The interest of playing RPGs also lies in looking into what you need to do for a given goal and then figuring out how best you could do it - and that naturally entails phasing out the steps as many interesting tasks are long-term enough so not to be completed in one sitting... even for those nerds among us unemployed kids who don't care to look for a job <.<

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